2024Civil Twilight and Through the Looking Glasses, Cinema Fest, EYE Filmmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2022The Cube, KunsFestSpiele Herrenhausen & Städtische Galerie KUBUS, Hannover, Germany
2022Looking-Glass House, KunsFestSpiele Herrenhausen, Hannover, Germany
2017The Cube, the Salon and the Aquarium, Spectra Studio, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2015Spectra- Light Like a Bird, Not Like a Feather, Kunstraum am Schauplatz, Vienna Art Foundation, Vienna, Austria
2013A World, GAM | Gallery Obrist @Ey5, Düsseldorf, Germany
2011Here and Now, GAM | Obrist Gingold Gallery, Essen, Germany
2008das weisse haus, Vienna
2008GAM | Obrist Gingold Gallery, Essen, Germany
2008URBAN WOODS, agentur, Plan B, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


(G) Group exhibition, (F) Festival, (S) Screening, (P) Performance, (A) Art in public space

2024Salon, Arti et amicitiae, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (G)
2024Wundertüte, Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2024Civil Twilight, The Great Dutch Art Calendar (Calendar)
2024Spectra | Salon: Within Cells Interlinked, Marci Panis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (P)
2023Spectra | Salon: Apparati: Dream, Gameply, Premonition, Theatre, Marci Panis, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsAmsterdam, The Netherlands
2023Wundertüte, Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany
20232000er | BYE-BYE ZUVERSICHT, MUSA, Wien Museum, Vienna, Austria
2023Sand- Resource, Life, Longing, Museum Sinclair Haus, Bad Homburg, Germany
2022Wundertüte, Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2022Umnachtet Bestirnt, Stiftung BC-pro arte, Biberach, Germany (G)
2022This Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (G)
2021Wundertüte, Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2021Nähe 1, Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2021Nähe 2, Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2021Nähe 3, Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2020Salon 2020, Arti et Amiticiae, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (G)
2020Wundertüte, Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2020ArtsForSpring, Stiftung Nantesbuch, Munich, Germany (G)
2019Spectra | Salon: Unverifiable Reality, Marci Panis, Amsterdam (G)
2019Postdramatic Theatre Worldwide, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Berlin, Germany (P/F)
2019Wundertüte, Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2019I Will Not Just Be A Tourist In The World Of Images, Project: Art Space, NYC, United States of America (G)
2019Spectra | Salon: Language is a Virus from Outer Space, Spectra Salon, Amsterdam (F)
2019Through the Looking Glasses, SPRING Festival, Utrecht, The Netherlands (F)
2019I Will Not Just Be A Tourist In The World Of Images, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam (G)
2019Painting the Night, Centre Pompidou Metz, Metz, France (G)
2018Museumnacht, Huize Frankendael, Amsterdam (F)
2018Get Lost – art route, Burgerweeshuis, BPD, Amsterdam (G)
2018Wundertüte, Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2018Oerol Festival, Terschelling, The Netherlands (F)
2018Video Europe for Everybody – A Display of Diversity in Public Space, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Sofia, Bulgaria (G)
2018Tekenkabinet, Amstelpark, Amsterdam (G)
2018PUNK+ DANCE + ART!, SCHUNK Glaspaleis Museum, Heerlen, The Netherlands (G)
2017CO-Festival, Lubljana, Slovenia (F)
2017Light Dark Light Heavy, Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid, Spain (G)
2017A Mile of Wool, Come Together Festival, Frascati, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (F)
2017Spectra Lab, DAS Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2016The Cube, SPRING Festival, Utrecht, The Netherlands (F)
2016In the Space With_, BNKR, Munich, Germany (G)
2016Feminist Art Fest, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (G)
2016Wundertüte, Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2015Skyward, Altana Kulturstiftung, Bad Homburg, Germany (G)
2015Undoing What We Know, Kunstenfestival Desarts, Brussels, Belgium (F)
2015Day for Night, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (P)
2015The Big Amsterdam Art Calendar 2015
2014Cite de l’image, Clervaux, Luxembourg (A)
2014Radio Futura, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (S)
2014Beauty, Bauhaus & The Beast, Brakke Grond / Frascati, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (F)
2014Hic et Nunc / Hier und Jetzt, 900 Years Stift Klosterneuburg, Austria (G)
2014The Big Amsterdam Art Calendar 2014 (C)
2014Wundertüte, GAM|Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2013Same Difference, De Vlugt, Open Day, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (G)
2013In the Movies, Theater Kikker, Utrecht, The Netherlands (S)
2013Elastic Video, Kunstraum Niederösterreich (NOE), Vienna, Austria (G)
2013Wundertüte, GAM|Gallery Obrist, Essen, Germany (G)
2012Space Affairs | Raumaffairen | Affaires D’espaces, MUSA, Vienna, Austria (G)
2012Open Dag, deVlugt, Amsterdam (G)
20121917, Centre Pompidou Metz, France (G) (P)
2012die weisse ab-haus-verkaufs-kunstschau, das weisse haus, Vienna, Austria (G)
2012Kabinenschau, Klagenfurt, Austria (G)
2012EMAF 2012, Osnabrück, Germany (F)
2012Luid Land, Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, The Netherlands (G) (P)
2011Genius without Talent, De Appel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (G)
2011Ever Remote, Site Gallery, Sheffield, UK (S)
2011Ever Remote, Crescent Arts, Scarborough, UK (S)
2011Facing the Artwork, Video art and short film fest, Halle (Saale), Germany (F)
2011Netaudio Festival, London, UK (G)
2011Infinite Nature – Artificial Scenery, FLUSS – NÖ Initiative for Photography- and Media Art, Wolkersdorf, Austria (G)
2011Virtually Real, Burton Gallery, Leeds, UK (G)
2010Virtually Real, Blythe Gallery, London,UK (G)
2010The Colour White, Wundertüte, GAM | Obrist Gingold Galerie, Essen, Germany (G)
2010Todaysart 2010, Den Haag, The Netherlands (F)
2010Frascati Theatre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (G)
2010Visite – der gemischte Ort, Schmiede Erschbaum, Ausservillgraten/Osttirol, Austria (G)
2010Blickwechsel – Österreichische Fotografie Heute, Schauplatz für Fotografie Westlicht, Vienna (G)
2010ITC DELTA, WTC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (G)
2010Long time no see, House of Arts, Brno, Czech Republic (G)
2009Wundertüte, GAM | Obrist Gingold Galerie, Essen, Germany (G)
2009Scenario – Narrative in contemporary photography, Fotoforum, Braunau, Austria (G)
2009What you really need, MKH Wels, Wels, Austria (G)
2008VAD, Gerona, Spain (F)
2008Invisible Cities, Toronto, Canada (G)
2008boDig, Istanbul, Turkey (G)
2008Poetry Centre, University of Arizona, Arizona, USA (G)
2008Recent Changes – Aenderungen vorbehalten, Galerie5020, Salzburg, Austria (G)
2007Almost Cinema, International Film Festival, Ghent, Belgium (F)
2007INTRUSION, New York City, USA (G)
2007LONG TIME NO SEE, Encounters with the Museum on Demand, MUSA, Vienna (G)
2007Walter Koschatzky Award 2007, Mumok, Vienna, Austria (G)
2007Freiraum, ‚UMPOLEN’, MQ, Vienna, Austria (G)
2007W139/Basement, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (G)
2006casa del encuentro, Buenos Aires, Argentinia (P)
2006GAM Gallery, Essen, Germany (G)
2006EMAF 06, Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche, Osnabrück, Germany (F)
2006SPACEINVASION, Viktorgasse, Vienna, Austria (G)
2006Atelier in Pact Zollverein, Essen, Germany (P)
2005Kunsthalle Wien Award 2005: Florian Knispel (exhibition together with Florian Knispel, Clemens Leuschner and Elisabeth Wildling), Project Space Kunsthalle Vienna, Austria (G)
2005Diplomausstellung, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria (G)
2004KGON meets K2, K2, Vienna, Austria (G)
2003Arbeiten, Expo Seidlgasse, Vienna, Austria (G)
2003MQ, Vienna, Austria (G)
2002the essence 2002, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria (G)
2002backup 2002, Festival. New Media in Film, Weimar, Germany (F)
2002Wahlverwandtschaften, e-basis Vienna, Austria (G)